Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Free E-Book: Backpacking Tips for Southeast Asia

I was in my usual state of writer's block when I thought of finally reading Flipnomad's Free E-Book: Backpacking Tips for Southeast Asia. More than giving me information, the e-book inspired me again to pursue my dream of exploring the world and, yes, continue my series again.

And so if you are planning to start a backpacking trip around Asia, this E-book is, as quoting Flip, a good primer to budget travelling.

P.S., by the way, this is the first time that I am sharing the fact that Flip's blog was one of my inspirations to bring the habit of writing back.

Good job, Flip. Keep the fire burning. I pray that God will always keep you safe wherever you are.


  1. "Good job, Flip. Keep the fire burning. I pray that God will always keep you safe wherever you are." thanks Mike...this statement gave me goosebumps...

    and thank you very much for downloading the ebook and posting it on your site and feel free to share it to your friends :-)

  2. Hehehe... I meant wherever you go, I know that God will always protect you and keep you safe. Will definitely share your e-book!!! :)


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